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The following costs can appear in the billing statements that will be issued:

Set up file, archive and destroy file (10 y after conclusion) 75,00 euro
Outgoing letters (reserving extra mail costs) (price per letter) 9,00 euro
Incoming letters 1,50 euro
Outgoing mails 5,00 euro
Incoming mails 1,00 euro
Dactylography (per page – conclusions, subpoenas, advices, contacts) 10,00 euro
Registered mail (cost per sent item) 8,00 euro
Photocopy per page 0,20 euro
Transportation per km 0,75 euro
Telephone rate
Translations hourly salary rate

Along with these costs for the file itself can be charged. The court costs are also dependent on the file.
These costs are handled ordinarily excluding other agreements that are made between the attorney and the client.

Hourly rate

Reserving other agreements made between the attorney and the client, the services of the attorneys at the office will be compensated based on an hourly rate.

The hourly rate varies between 150.00 Euros and 200.00 Euros according to the complexity of the case, the importance of the case, …
An increase of 15% may be charged on the hourly rate in the case of urgent matters.

The hourly rate which shall be applied will be discussed following the initial consultation.

Deviations from this procedure are possible provided there is prior agreement on the point between the client and the attorney.

In the case of claims on unpaid bills which are not disputed there are other rates. They will be discussed with the client individually.
In the case of a query when a file is started, a commission-based billing statement will be prepared. In the meantime commissions will be asked. After the case is dealt with, a final billing statement will be generated in which the services actually performed will be listed in detail. If desired the client can at any time request an interim detailed statement of services rendered to-date.


Starting January 1st, 2014, the services of attorneys are subject to the VAT.

General Conditions

All billing statements issued by an attorney from the office of Groffils Attorneys are payable within 8 days of the billing date excluding any written agreements to the contrary. In the case of failure to pay by the due date, these billing statements shall, by dint of law and without any requirement that notice be served, be subject to default charges in the amount of 10% with a minimum of 200 Euros and a maximum of 2,000 Euros. Additionally, starting from that moment default interest will be charged at the annual rate of 10%. In the case of a legal claim or dispute, reserving the option of arbitration that is given precedence, only the court of first instance or the Commercial Court of East Flanders, Ghent Division, or the justice of the peace of the 1st Canton of Ghent will hold jurisdiction and Belgian Law exclusively applies in every case.