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The office Groffils Attorneys is the joint practice of the following attorneys:
Liesbeth Groffils, with main office in 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118 a secondary office in 9790 Wortegem-Petegem, Rijborgstraat 14, K.B.O 0639.881.383 (Lawyer),
Hélène Maveau, with an office at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118, K.B.O. 0735.512.002 (Lawyer),
Katharina Allaert, with an office at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118, K.B.O. 0754.534.294 (Lawyer),
Mena De Coninck, with an office at 9990 Maldegem, Karreweg 44, K.B.O. 0723.476.280 (Lawyer),
Dries Ronsse, with an office at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118, K.B.O. 0750.981.423 (Legal Intern),
Lotte Verhulst, with an office at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118, K.B.O. 0789.827.547 (Legal Intern),
Juliette Verstraete, with an office at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118, K.B.O. 0804.850.471 (Legal Intern).

The office Groffils Attorneys is headquartered at 9000 Gent, Rabotstraat 118 and can be reached by telephone at 09 223 96 66, e-mail, website

The attorneys of this office support their clients before Belgian and foreign courts and civil instances where they are legally entitled to act as attorneys in all branches of law and this primarily in civil law, commercial law and criminal law. For a more detailed explanation of this we refer you simply to the rubric “domains of law”. And they provide their clients with legal advice and provide them with legal support.

The attorneys of this office calculate the price for the services they render depending on the type of case, according to an hourly rate, according to the value of the case, for a fixed amount or by retainer. This price specification shall always be the subject of any oral or written agreement between the attorney and the client from the beginning of services.

The price is composed of the attorney’s fees, office costs and costs for third parties to be advanced by the attorney. The 21% VAT is also owed on the fees and costs calculated for the attorney and, as according to the cse, the advanced costs.

The professional liability of the attorneys of the office Groffils Attorneys is insured with a collective policy with the number LXX034899 concluded by the Belgian Bar Association [Orde van Vlaamse Balies] with N.V. Amlin Europe, whose cooperate headquarters is in the Netherlands, Amstelveen, KVK 33055009, branch office Belgium KBO 0416.056.358.

The warrant on civil liability, professional, is set for 1,250,000 Euros per claim with an exemption of 2,500 Euros per claim and per attorney. For the office’s legal interns this exemption is 1,250 Euro. For cases in which the attorney was engaged by the Office of Legal Aid this exemption is 300 Euro.

All attorneys from the office of Groffils Attorneys are registered with the bar of Gent, while Liesbeth Groffils is also registered with the bar of Oudenaarde.

All attorneys from the office of Groffils Attorneys are subject to the rules of the Flemish Bar Association, to the National Association of the Bar and the Gent Bar Association. Liesbeth Groffils is also subject to the rules of the Bar Association of Oudenaarde.

None of the attorneys of the office Groffils Attorneys is a member of any multi-disciplinary cooperative or partnership in the framework of his/her professional activities.

None of the attorneys of the office Groffils Attorneys is subject to an out-of-court legal settlement. In the case of any disputes concerning billing statements, there is the option of arbitration before the Bar Associations of Gent or Oudenaarde (the latter only for Liesbeth Groffils). Further information about the characteristics and the conditions for the application of these rules of arbitration can be obtained from the Bar Association of Gent (9000 Gent, Opgeëistenlaan 401) or from the Bar Association of Oudenaarde (9700 Oudenaarde, Bourgondiëstraat 5).

All invoices issued by a lawyer from the office Groffils Advocaten are payable withing 8 days following the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in writing. In the event of non-payment, this invoice will be increased by operation of law and without prior notice of default being required, by a flat-rate compensation of 10% with a minimum of 200,00€. From that moment on, late payment interest is also due at 10% on an annual basis. If the customer is a consumer in the meaning of art.1.1,2° of the Belgian Economic Law Code (‘WER’), interest only starts to accrue from the calendar day following the day on which a first free reminder has been sent electronically or on the third working day following the day on which a first free reminder has been sent by mail. If the customer is a consumer, the interest is determined in accordance with the law of 2nd of August 2002 on late payment in commercial transactions. If the customer is a consumer within the meaning of art. I, 1, 2° of the Belgian Economic Law Code (‘WER’), then late payment will only give rise to fixed compensation after sending a first notice of default, which takes the form of a first free reminder and after the expiry of a period of at least 14 calendar days as from the third day after the reminder was sent. If the reminder was sent electronically, the period of 14 calendar days starts on the calendar day following the day on which the reminder was sent. The fixed compensation amounts to: a) 20 euros if the balance due is less than or equal to 150 euros; b) EUR 30 plus 10% of the amount due on the bracket between EUR 150.01 and EUR 500 if the balance due is between EUR 150.01 and EUR 500; c) 65 euros plus 5% of the amount due on the bracket above 500 euros with a maximum of 2000 euros if the balance due is higher than 500 euros. The customer waives article XII.25 §1 of the Belgian Economic Law Code and agrees to accept the method of electronic registered mail. When the customer receives an electronic registered mail, he undertakes to open it and under no circumstances can he explicitly or implicitly refuse to receive the electronic registered mail. In the event of judicial collection or dispute, only the Court of First Instance or the Business Court in Ghent or the Justice of the Peace of the 1st canton in Ghent are competent and Belgian law always applies.

This information form will be brought to the attention of the client at the latest at the start of services performed by the attorney. Once services have been initiated, the client will be deemed to have at least become aware of these terms